How Do We Do It

How Do We Accomplish All This?

Our Investor-Centric Capital Offering Approach
is accomplished by preparing for you:

  • 1. A laser-focused enhanced definition of your venture’s Business Plan, including:

    a. Your offered products and services;

    b. Your target market(s);

    c. An in-depth analysis of the current and future market conditions for what you are and will be offering in the future; and

    d. Details on your current and proposed future management team (recognizing that sophisticated investors and racetrack gamblers focus more upon the jockeys than the horses).

  • 2. An evaluation of and as-needed enhancement of your plan for commencing and growing your operations, including:

    a. Your initial and successive phases of operations, your expected production and sales activity, along with your projections of direct and overhead costs vs the calendar; and

    b. Your capital requirements and budgeted uses of those funds needed toimplement your Business Plan.

  • 3. Creating core schedules from a multi-year Economic Model that we develop for your venture, in close consultation with you, that includes:

    a. Key assumptions relating to sale prices, direct costs, sales volumes;

    b. The permits and regulatory requirements and costs;

    c. Overhead costs;

    d. Working capital requirements;

    e. Current and expected future financing terms and costs;

  • f.  Future venture valuation for financing and projected sale purposes;

    g.  The venture cash flow and capital return preferences to be offered those contributing the equity capital needed to take the venture forward; and

    h. A schedule with alternate investor economic outcomes, with ranges of changes in key assumptions (recognizing that reality will always be different from any single point estimate of future performance).

  • 4. The preparation of an SEC-compliant Private Placement Memorandum “PPM” that incorporates:

    a. All of the above information, for the benefit of the prospective investors, who need to understand the venture and how they may benefit should your venture be successful, before making an investment; and

    b. For your protection and benefit we provide clear statements of your venture’s Risk Factors; Conflicts of Interest; and economic projection disclaimers to make sure every prospective investor understands you are not providing any performance guarantees.

  • 5. The preparation of an important 2-Page Investment Summary, which provides an overview of:

    a. The investment opportunity;

    b. The projected returns;

    c. The market environment; and

    d. Your management team.