What We Deliver

We deliver an Investor-Centric Equity Capital Offering Document with great Business Plan granularity that quickly sorts out “tire kickers” from genuine Investors.

And this Offering Document:

  • 1. Provides all the information you need to have tightly-focused and productive meetings with your genuine Investor prospects;
  • 2. Allows Investors to quickly commence their due diligence processes;
  • 3. Eliminates the need to create – and then defend – an arbitrary and often a very restrictive “valuation” figure that often constrains your capital request amount, well before you have your economic legs under you;
  • 4. Allows you to commence raising all the capital you really need to enable you to grab the market share you envision and need to be competitively
  • 5. Eliminates also a time-consuming succession of capital solicitation rounds, a common “drip feed” process to secure the equity capital that ideally you should have had in hand from the start;
  • 6. Frees you up to do what you do best: which is to focus upon the execution of your business plan;
  • 7. Allows you to raise your needed capital without a massive dilution of your equity ownership, for a likely huge future personal wealth benefits once your venture matures and is sold.
  • 8. Preserves your current management and board composition by eliminating possibly disruptive opinions and directions by new Investors providing the equity you require;
  • 9. Leaves you and your management team with full discretion to change and expand your team as you grow your business; or to sell or merge your company at a time or on terms that you believe will be optimal; and
  • 10. This entire process should provide you with 35% to 40% long term cost savings vs. the more common ownership-for-cash startup funding approach.

So, how do we do all this for your benefit?

  • 1. Provides all the information you need to have tightly-focused and productive meetings with your genuine Investor prospects;
  • 2. Allows Investors to quickly commence their due diligence processes;
  • 3. Eliminates the need to create – and then defend – an arbitrary and often a very restrictive “valuation” figure that often constrains your capital request amount, well before you have your economic legs under you;
  • 4. Allows you to commence raising all the capital you really need to enable you to grab the market share you envision and need to be competitively
  • 5. Eliminates also a time-consuming succession of capital solicitation rounds, a common “drip feed” process to secure the equity capital that ideally you should have had in hand from the start;
  • 6. Frees you up to do what you do best: which is to focus upon the execution of your business plan;
  • 7. Allows you to raise your needed capital without a massive dilution of your equity ownership, for a likely huge future personal wealth benefits once your venture matures and is sold.
  • 8. Preserves your current management and board composition by eliminating possibly disruptive opinions and directions by new Investors providing the equity you require;
  • 9. Leaves you and your management team with full discretion to change and expand your team as you grow your business; or to sell or merge your company at a time or on terms that you believe will be optimal; and
  • 10. This entire process should provide you with 35% to 40% long term cost savings vs. the more common ownership-for-cash startup funding approach.

So, how do we do all this for your benefit?

One client had started a company that should have a real market value well north of $50 million in 3 years’ time, if he were provided now the $3 million he needs to grow his business properly.


Before engaging us, however, he was pressed to establish a $5 million current “valuation” for his startup. And he was advised to give up 20% of his ownership for only $1 million of investor capital – 1/3rd of what he really needed to properly pursue his Business Plan.


To eventually obtain the client’s full $3 million capital need, in two subsequent $1 million raises, he expected to have to give up an additional 20% of his ownership


Our approach is to provide all the capital our clients require, for much less than the initial 20% they expect to give up for only 1/3rd of their real needs.